Chris and Liz's Jamaican Wedding - Negril, May 2003 - Page 2
The Jam
I had wanted to suprise Chris with some kind of a bachelor party, but whaddya
gonna do at Hedo? Invite a bunch of naked women? So instead of that I decided
to throw a jam. Chris and I were in a band in college called
Lively Live, and I thought it might
be fun to do the "rock and roll" part of Sex,Drugs, and Rock and Roll.
So I booked some musicians and a room at the resort for an afternoon.
It was supposed to be a surprise ... Chris had a good idea something was up, tho,
by the time I made the lame excuse of going for a walk to have a drink of Yukon
Jack. As we were walking by the disco, he saw and heard the guys setting up,
and pretty much guessed what was going on by the time I retrieved the bottle
of liquor from the bush I'd so craftily chosen right next to the large
glass door of the building!
The plan was that we'd take a few minutes to loosen up, then (since everyone
else knew about it) all of our friends at Hedo would join us in the disco
for the jam. The musicians were Denton McNeil on drums, Stephen
Depauss on bass, and Paul Chung on keyboards. I brought my Strat
and a pod, and they provided another guitar. It turned out pretty good.
I think it gave Chris a good opportunity to show a side that most folks don't see,
but that I remember so well. A serious and capable musician,
leading and entertaining.
Although Chris and I were a little bit rusty, inasmuch as we only even see
each other once a year or so, the other players were good and there was a
sympathetic audience - it was after all, raining outside - so after
some joking around, we got serious, jammed hard, and played some really
good music.
and the everyone partied :-) not too hard to do at Hedo :-)