The First Bodega - built from (fallen) wood on the property

We have done the basic framing and walls on the first structure to be built on the property ...

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... thanks for sharing. Cool to watch the progress. Interesting and informative.

... great photos!! thanks for sharing!

A simple 8'x8' storage unit is the first structure I decided to build. Since we bought a generator the other day (in order to start construction ... remember you have to drill each hole before putting a nail into nisporo), we, lol, need someplace to put it. We will put a good lockset on this bodeaga, and try a random watchy-man schedule ... as in the meantime, I've had a worker staying there 24/7 since we got the generator ...

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Water Tank, Zinc, and PVC pipes on Rhapsody as we turn into the baylet at Punto Nisporo

Punta Nisporo Mas O Menus ... the dock is to the left of the blue tent and you can make out the silver "wood" tent about center. The property includes the tall trees in the right of the picture.

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... beautiful!!!

On shore, moving PVC, new water tank in foreground.

Starting to collect the wood, made a tent to provide a little protection from the sun and Isreal built some supports to get the wood off the ground ...

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To the left, Nisporo 2x4's ... center reddish is "Fake Nisporo", though still heavy, not good in water, and the white is "Cirillo" 1x12's. Nisporo 4x4's to the right

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Other wood is stacked by the trees. ohhh ... there;s the new bodega!

Simple but strong construction. The door is made of Laurel, which, actually we had to buy. It's a lighter wood (more like a heavy pine), and is better for the door (Nisporo would weigh 200lbs lol and would break the hinges).

The zinc will go on, and then a rudimentary water catchment system ...

With the tin roof on ...

The first official water collection system on the property. Three hundred gallons. Isreal raised it a few feet off the ground so that we can use gravity flow to fill other containers. We'll need this for mixing concrete for the footings of more permanent buildings, and the dock to come ...

The generator, tools and supplies now have a nice home. And there's enough light, during the day, inside to find things. Some shelves will undoubtedly follow ...

and the lumber pile grows a bit ... this is pretty much all of the wood that was easily cut that was lying fallow. There's still lots of wood lying that will be good for art, furniture, etc. But these are the large "construction" sized pieces.

Another new addition to the family ... I never did buy the 28x3' cayuco for $2400 ... but I did buy this used 25x3' for $200 ... with a little work and a coat of paint, the old nissan 6hp on the back, it's a pretty good little local transport.